Hi, I'm Jacob

I'm a developer based out of Morgantown, West Virginia. I enjoy building things on the web and seeing how I can automate the busy work with best DevOps practices.



BikeMorgantown is a community website for tracking events and information about biking in Morgantown, West Virginia. It is designed using wireframing tools such as Figma with a mobile-first approach. The frontend was implemented using the React framework NextJS which enables efficient server-side rendering. The backend is created through the Directus platform, hosted on a DigitalOcean VPS, and deployed using docker-compose. These technologies allow for quick development, efficient deployment, and helps maintain low hosting cost. The website Domain and DNS is handled with AWS Route 53. The final product is committed to a GitHub repository where it is built and hosted on the Vercel platform.


Peakbagger is a RESTFUL API built with a simple front-end. It's for tracking hiking data. The user can create a hike, update it, and delete it via the front-end using the Javascript Fetch API. You can also use a tool like Postman to send requests to retrieve/manipulate data.

configuration maker

A command line tool built using Python, PyYAML, and Jinja2. It allows the user to create question templates and output templates. The script asks the user the questions predefined by the question templates and outputs the answer into the configuration output templates.

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